Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Visit to Patti Hunt's

On Thursday, September 13th, the Garden Club had a field trip to Patti Hunt's beautiful home and gardens in the hills of Weston - overlooking the mountains of Vermont and Magic Mountain Ski Area. It was a gorgeous fall sunny day. We had our lunch and meeting on Patti's patio overlooking the gardens and mountains. Our hostesses - Chris Salerno, Harriet Brooks, and JoAnn Milza - provided us with wonderful desserts and beverages.

After the meeting, Patti Hunt and her associate Martin Bemis (of Jamaica Gardens) gave a talk on the ornamental grasses in general, and the specific ones seen at Patti's home.

The members, with Patti and Martin, then toured the gardens - discussing the plants, along with gardening tips. Under the right conditions, these grasses are easy, hardy, usually require dry and sunny weather. A fun and informative day.