Saturday, September 17, 2005

Rained Out - AGAIN!!

For the second time, the Ludlow Garden Club's planned trip to Cider Hill Gardens in Windsor was rained out. But it's been rescheduled for July 13, 2006. Maybe the third time will be the charm!

After many phone calls, the membership was alerted about the cancellation, and a meeting was held at the United Church. Our hostesses (Nancy Sears, Rigmor Frink, and Barb Gulli) were able to set out their delicious desserts and drinks; and we had a lively business meeting.

Barb Whittaker's Beautification Committee reported on the Corn Stalk decorations - ably led by Marie Hasson. Mary Davis sent a $100 donation to the Club, along with a letter commending the Club on it's efforts to "beautify" the town. That donation, and the donation from McEnaney Real Estate will used to defray the cost of Garden Club aprons. It was decided that members can purchase the aprons for $15.00; and the club will absorb the extra costs.

Patsy Kuntz looked for suggestions and desires for future programs. After much discussion, it was agreed to do both a Luncheon and a program in June of 2006. The October 2005 program will be at the Church; with Patsy teaching us small fresh flower arrangements in a tea cup or similar container. On the issue of decorating the Library Christmas Tree, Patsy recommended big, bright ornaments, and Barb Gulli suggested that members each bring 2 ornaments to the November meeting. Patsy will be having a Program Comm. meeting early in October, and would welcome any suggestions on all these issues. She can be reached at:

So even tho it rained, we had a fun and fruitful meeting. See you all in October.


At September 17, 2005 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! I wish more blogs were as interesting as yours.

Mine is about direct marketing. It pretty much covers direct marketing related stuff.

Drop by if you have time! I'll ba back to yours!


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